How to Be Grateful Even During Tough Times

Faced with busy schedules and challenging lives, we often forget how fortunate we truly are. Even when things are going well we forget.

Being thankful should be treated as an important part of the day because appreciation contributes to our genuine happiness.

When you are grateful, it helps you to be more positive, receptive, optimistic, hopeful, peaceful, and grounded, especially during trying situations.

When times are tough, or if you are in the midst of despair, or emotional mayhem, taking a moment to foster your appreciation will create a sense of encouragement and calm when you need it most.

When you acknowledge the people and things in your day that were helpful or appreciated, it can put things back in perspective again and bring you back to center or a more mindful space.

It is good to write things down before going to bed, creating a grateful ending to the day. Using all these techniques will really focus you on your blessings, even in the midst of challenges.