Daily Inspirational Message for April 27, 2014
“Every oak tree started out as a couple of nuts who stood their ground.”
- author unknown
I know so many people who are not happy with their current employment or who wish they were self-employed, yet are intimidated by the thought of making a big change or taking a chance. They associate being employed by someone else with “security,” even if their employer is not someone they trust or respect. As I listen to people’s dreams and their excuses for not pursuing them, I have to point out all the businesses that are flourishing in the world. Think about it! Every single business you patronize or pass by or see advertised or even hear about is owned by someone. It was created by someone with a dream and the courage to take a risk. Surely if all those people can make their dreams work for them, you can find your way to what you want too.
- author unknown
I know so many people who are not happy with their current employment or who wish they were self-employed, yet are intimidated by the thought of making a big change or taking a chance. They associate being employed by someone else with “security,” even if their employer is not someone they trust or respect. As I listen to people’s dreams and their excuses for not pursuing them, I have to point out all the businesses that are flourishing in the world. Think about it! Every single business you patronize or pass by or see advertised or even hear about is owned by someone. It was created by someone with a dream and the courage to take a risk. Surely if all those people can make their dreams work for them, you can find your way to what you want too.