Pope Francis Asks Media to Cover More ‘Good’ News (WATCH)
In his solemn end-of-year church service at the Vatican, Pope Francis asked journalists to shine more light on the GOOD news in the world.
The pontiff doesn’t want the world to ignore the suffering of so many people, but he said the good deeds shouldn’t be forgotten, either.
He said to the congregation, ”How many great gestures of goodness, love and solidarity have filled the days of this year, even if they are not on television news programs?”
“Good things don’t make the news.”
The Argentine pope said the media should not keep “so many great gestures of goodness” hidden while only reporting on the evil deeds. “Good always wins, even if sometimes it many seem weaker and hidden.”
The pontiff doesn’t want the world to ignore the suffering of so many people, but he said the good deeds shouldn’t be forgotten, either.
He said to the congregation, ”How many great gestures of goodness, love and solidarity have filled the days of this year, even if they are not on television news programs?”
“Good things don’t make the news.”
The Argentine pope said the media should not keep “so many great gestures of goodness” hidden while only reporting on the evil deeds. “Good always wins, even if sometimes it many seem weaker and hidden.”