12 Celebrities You Didn’t Realize Died in 2015

A lot of people died in 2015. Some of them were celebrities. Leondard Nimoy was one of them. This was his beautiful final tweet. B.B. King was another. Stuart Scott lost his battle with cancer (but not really). Scott Weiland lost his with addiction. As is the case every year, the list is far too long.

But there also were plenty of notable figures we lost who won't find their softly retouched photos in too many "in memoriam" montages. These are the people we're familiar with in a very specific way, who entered and exited our lives as one-hit wonders of pop culture. Their deaths were blogged about and quickly forgotten. Now that we've all made it out of 2015 alive, it's time to look back on those we may not have realized we lost last year.
