The Divine Signs Around Us

by Jennifer Spees

Do you believe in guardian angels? Have you ever felt the presence of yours? Maybe a near-miss on the highway, where a split second made the difference between continuing your journey as planned and taking a detour to intensive care? Or maybe it was something that put you just the right place at just the right time to hear or receive the exact thing that you most needed at that moment—anything from a job offer to a kind word from a stranger. Maybe your actions have saved someone else’s life. In that case, perhaps their guardian angel was working through you!

What about “signs?” Have you ever had an experience where things just seemed like too much of a coincidence? How many times have you heard someone exclaim, “It’s a sign!” about something that might not seem like a big deal to you, but seems to have incredible significance for them?

Call it serendipity, synchronicity, good luck, providence, intuition, your guardian angel, or even “a sign”—often these become some of the most memorable moments ...