Climate Change: The Ice Is Melting

From the book, Rewilding Our Hearts by Marc Bekoff.

Ecosystems are not only more complex than we think, 
but more complex than we can think.
— Frank Egler

Climate change, a.k.a. global warming, is a huge topic, one that is constantly in the news, and yet there are strong indications that we have seriously underestimated just how bad it really is. In November 2012, scientists in my hometown of Boulder, Colorado, working at the National Snow and Ice Data Center discovered that polar ice is melting at a record high. For example, polar ice sheets are melting three times faster than in the 1990s. This means Arctic ice has hit a record low, and this carries numerous disastrous environmental implications, from rising seas to a wide range of ecological and wildlife impacts.

In The Ten Trusts, Jane Goodall relates a conversation with Angaangaq Lyberth, the then-leader of the Eskimo nation from Greenland. At a gathering of a thousand religious and spiritual leaders in the United Nations General Assembly Hall, he said: “In the north, we feel every day what you do down here. In ...