Manifest What You Truly Desire

by Melissa Kitto
How can you manifest what you truly want and desire? Many of us try hard to create the life we want, but somehow fall short. It can be frustrating to have goals and dreams in life but never quite manage to reach them. It is possible to ATTRACT everything you want in life and more, but there are some important principles that need to be in place for this to happen.
I struggled for years to move forward and make big changes in my life, but always seemed to end up in the same place I was before. Through experience, I've learned why this was happening and how to move past this stuck place. Here are the five essential keys to manifest what you truly desire.
1. Be clear about what you want.
It's not enough to set broad, overarching goals that aren't specific. You need to have clarity about what you desire. I am a very visual person, so a couple of years ago, I decided to make a vision board. I created this vision board in the way I saw everyone else doing it. I cut out pictures from magazines that were symbolic of what I wanted. I wanted to travel through Europe, so I found a picture of a European looking house and stuck it on the vision board. I wanted nice furniture for my home, so I found a cute looking living room and stuck it on the board.
The trouble is, these pictures weren't specific enough. I have no idea where that building is in Europe, or whether it's even in Europe! Perhaps it's in South America. And deep down, I knew that the picture of a living room wasn't really what I wanted my living room to look like. So there was a feeling of disconnect every time I looked at the vision board. It didn't work.
On New Years Day of 2010, I decided to do things differently. I got specific. I decided that I wanted to travel to Ireland, Scotland and France that summer, so I got on the internet and printed out pictures of the Eiffel Tower, Temple Bar in Dublin and Edinburgh Castle. Now I had the clarity I needed!
Seemingly without effort, I manifested the amount of money I needed for my husband, stepdaughter and I to go to Europe that summer. Because I was clear, it came to me!
Richard had wanted a motorcycle for some months, but he didn't know exactly which make and model he wanted to purchase so it wasn't clear. As soon as he decided he was going to buy a Honda ST1100, he found one, manifested just the amount of money he needed, and purchased it within a week! Coincidence? I don't think so.
2. Believe you can really have what you desire.
Writing down your goals or creating a vision board won't do any good whatsoever if deep down inside you don't really believe you can have the thing you desire. You need to be congruent with your beliefs, thoughts and feelings. Start visualizing yourself already having the thing you want.
Here's a clue: If you can't see yourself having it when you visualize your goal, you don't truly believe it's possible to achieve it. For example, say you want a new car. You start to visualize yourself in the car and driving it and enjoying the plush leather seats and power steering. If you simply can't see yourself driving the car, your subconscious mind is revealing that you don't really believe it's possible to manifest the car.
If this is the case, you might need to start looking at what is really limiting you. It could be guilt, fear or shame.
3. Have an equal balance of spiritual and material goals.
We all desire to have material things in life, and that's great! Planet Earth is here to be enjoyed, but you can't take money or possessions with you when you pass on. All you can take with you is the spiritual growth and experiences you have had in this lifetime. This is your spiritual real estate, which grows each day.
Focusing on material things only feels empty, shallow and meaningless. Realize that for every material goal, there is a spiritual goal behind it. If you're not sure what the spiritual goal is, ask your angels to help.
For example, I have a goal to build an extension on my house. When I asked my angels what is the spiritual goal associated with this they answered: To have the discipline to create wealth and save it aside consistently for a period of months until the goal is achieved. To maintain my drive and enthusiasm for this project until it is completed.
I will have a tremendous amount of spiritual growth as I work toward this material goal. I would miss out on this experience if I didn't even try to achieve the goal. So, you can see how it is important to stretch for the things you want materially. You will grow tremendously from the process, and your angels will assist you in achieving that growth and changing in your life!
4. Don't feel guilty about having what you want.
It was about four years ago when I realized that I felt guilty about having more abundance in my life. I attended a retreat with Tiger Coll where he shared with us that if we want to fulfill our life purpose, we have to go after EVERYTHING we desire. That was a very new concept for me at the time. I started to realize how much I had been limiting myself.
Imagine going out and trying to earn a million dollars. How does this make you feel? What are the limiting thoughts that run through your mind when you think about it? This will give you a clue as to what is stopping you from achieving the abundant lifestyle you deserve.
Our blocks and limitations are usually deeply buried, but they'll start to come to the surface when you attempt to move out of your comfort zone. For me, the biggest one was guilt. I felt like someone else would miss out if I had more abundance. I'm learning that the more I help others, the more abundance I have, so I am not taking anything away from anyone else by having more. In fact, I am contributing to others in a big way!
5. Write down your goals.
You'll never attract what you desire if you don't know what it is in the first place. Start writing down your goals and put them in a place in your house where you will see them every day. The more you are reminded of your goals, the more you will attune your energy to that direction. They will come to you easily and effortlessly. All you have to focus on is being clear, direct, and taking action to move towards what you want.

Copyright 2013, Balanced Living Institute. Printed here with the author's permission. Want to use this article? You can, just include the following paragraph in its entirety, including links:
Melissa Kitto, the Angel Guidance Coach, will show you how to tune in and communicate directly with your angels and experience the JOY of living your unique life purpose. Visit to receive your FREE Special Report, The Three Secrets to Communicating with your Angels.