Pilot Turns Plane Around So Grieving Family Can Attend Dad’s Funeral

Connecting flights can really disconnect you from loved ones, especially if you are on the way to an important family event. If your flight was late, causing you to miss another one, would it do any good to jump wildly up and down, waving your arms in the window as the pilot rolled away from the gate? If you’re booked on Delta Air Lines, it just might save you from your moment of grief.

A flight delay in their home airport of Phoenix, Arizona meant the Short family had only seven minutes to reach their connecting flight in Minneapolis. It was the last flight that could get them to Tennessee before a family funeral laid to rest Marcia’s husband, Jay Short, the next day.

Even at a running pace, the family didn’t reach the gate until their plane was already taxiing to the runway. Mrs. Short and her son waved frantically through the airport windows at the flight crew, as her two adult daughters cried.
