6 Truths About Enlightenment

by William L. Mikulas, PhD

(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

Throughout recorded history, and all around the planet, people have reported touching and dwelling in an enlightened state of consciousness. This very high state goes under many names, including enlightenment, cosmic consciousness, consciousness without an object, and at-one-ment. The journey to enlightenment also has many descriptions, including awakening, being reborn, liberation, and returning to the source.

Despite the differences in conceptualizations, mystics of all traditions discovered the same enlightened consciousness—and this mystical perspective is a central aspect of all the world’s major religions. For Buddhists and Hindus, awakening is the primary purpose of human existence.

Over time and place there evolved many descriptions of enlightenment and practices to facilitate awakening; we are now at a unique time in history when we can finally put together all the pieces into a comprehensive and integrated understanding of enlightenment. Let us review what we now know.

Nothing you can say about enlightenment is true.
Whatever one thinks or says about enlightenment is distorted by one’s language and culture. This is ...
