Taking Back Your Health and Your Life

An Excerpt from The Wheel of Healing with Ayurveda by Michelle S. Fondin

You need not go far to get advice on how you should live your life or improve your health. We are bombarded today, more than ever, with the latest and greatest trend. From pomegranate seeds and goji berries to chia seeds, every week it’s something different, an additional thing that may take a place on our already crammed lists. If it’s not the latest food or supplement, it’s the next powerful drug claiming to make us younger and happier or to give us a better sex life. All this advice, whether good or bad, always does one specific thing: it draws us outside ourselves to seek wellness; and in the end, this makes us crazy. Because, to be honest, who do you listen to? Really, who can you trust when the advice is changing so rapidly? At the time of this writing, many of my clients are turning to daytime talk shows for advice on diet, exercise, and balancing their lives. Frankly, I have nothing against talk shows, and I’m sure that guests on ...
