Internal and External Feng Shui: The Energy of Wind and Water by Jill Henry
(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)
Feng Shui (pronounced, “fung shway”) literally means “wind and water.” Water represents the physical, manifest world while wind represents the inner world of energy that interacts with the outer. External Feng Shui is about arranging our environment, our homes, and our businesses to open to the energy (Chi) of Prosperity and Success. Internal Feng Shui is about exploring our inner worlds of mind/body/spirit and opening these worlds to the Chi of Health and Happiness. In many Feng Shui resources, the emphasis is on external Feng Shui only. External Feng Shui techniques are effective; however, they are not the whole picture. For example, many businesses use flowing water by the front door in the form of a fountain to influence the energy to enhance career and business success. But if, upon entering the business, the person who greets you is out of balance and projecting negative energy, then the effect is cancelled out. This article explores techniques to develop both internal and external Chi and attract good energy into your ...
Feng Shui (pronounced, “fung shway”) literally means “wind and water.” Water represents the physical, manifest world while wind represents the inner world of energy that interacts with the outer. External Feng Shui is about arranging our environment, our homes, and our businesses to open to the energy (Chi) of Prosperity and Success. Internal Feng Shui is about exploring our inner worlds of mind/body/spirit and opening these worlds to the Chi of Health and Happiness. In many Feng Shui resources, the emphasis is on external Feng Shui only. External Feng Shui techniques are effective; however, they are not the whole picture. For example, many businesses use flowing water by the front door in the form of a fountain to influence the energy to enhance career and business success. But if, upon entering the business, the person who greets you is out of balance and projecting negative energy, then the effect is cancelled out. This article explores techniques to develop both internal and external Chi and attract good energy into your ...