Embracing Spiritual Gifts and the Mystery of the Paranormal by Jodi Foster

(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

Have you ever felt alone or confused by an unusual or unique supernatural experience? Do you know in your soul that you have an unconventional spiritual gift, but feel misunderstood by family, society, or religious dogma? Have you suppressed your abilities, spiritual gifts, and talents? Well dear soul, I am here to tell you that you are not alone.

My name is Jodi Foster; I consider myself an average person just like you. I am a mom, a domestic goddess, and a brilliant cook (well, according to my friends and family, that is). Strangely, through divine intervention, I find myself embarking on a new magical adventure as an author, radio personality, and intuitive consultant. My debut book is called Forgotten Burial: A Cry for Justice from Beyond the Grave, and my paranormal adventure was featured on the SyFy Network show Paranormal Witness (the particular episode is titled, “The Apartment“).

It all started in the year 2000, when I found myself on a life-altering spiritual journey. I experienced premonitions, ...
