Edgar Casey Retrocognition
The fourth major category of ESP shown in the Cayce readings is retro-cognition, the ability to see past events.
For example, in the life readings (those readings which dealt with the soul) Cayce would often repeat aloud significant happenings in a person’s life while going back over the years until the date of the person’s birth. In one reading, he said, “1935-’32-disturbing periods-’31-’36-’26-not any too peaceful!” etc. In another life reading , Cayce was given the incorrect date and location of birth for a young girl. In going back ...
For example, in the life readings (those readings which dealt with the soul) Cayce would often repeat aloud significant happenings in a person’s life while going back over the years until the date of the person’s birth. In one reading, he said, “1935-’32-disturbing periods-’31-’36-’26-not any too peaceful!” etc. In another life reading , Cayce was given the incorrect date and location of birth for a young girl. In going back ...