Clean Your House, Your Mind Will Follow

"With spring cleaning in effect, many are rolling up their sleeves and reaching into the corners and hard-to-reach places that have often been long neglected. As a merely physical task, cleaning can be arduous, gratifying, and everything in between. But if taken up with the spirit of self-purification, cleaning serves as a powerful instrument for heightening awareness of the present moment and of addressing the dust and clutter in one's mind. In fact, the process of cleaning can be so therapeutic and meditative that a company, Zenith Cleaners, was established where workers approach the task of cleaning as a spiritual practice. "Cleaning is the process of removing dirt from any space, surface, object, or subject, thereby exposing beauty, potential, truth, and sacredness," says Tolu, founder of Zenith Cleaners. How's that for a positive outlook when you are staring down a toilet bowl or a sink full of dirty dishes?"