Things Respected People do That You Should Mimic

What is respect and how do people gain it? Respect can’t be demanded or imposed but has to be earned.

How can you become respected? Let’s take a look at the things respected people do that you can begin practicing in your own life.

By Chie Suarez

Respect can be earned through various reasons and ways. There are no equations or shortcuts. The world’s most respected figures calculated and planned to gain the respect of the majority. Some people don’t even need to try to earn it for their actions are the primary source that gain people’s admiration for them.

If you think earning respect is difficult, maintaining it is twice as hard. One wrong move and people will start questioning your integrity.

However, building up the foundation of your bond and cultivating it further is the key to keeping their respect and your bond to them intact.

Things respected people do that you should practice

Respect is vital in every aspect of our daily lives — at work, within the team, in your household, organization, etc. And it doesn’t matter where you are in the pyramid.

To help you become a better person whether it be in your work environment, community, organization, etc., here are things highly respected people do that you can practice daily. These actions will get you one step closer to becoming the person you want to be.

They always under-promise and over-deliver

Respected people never leave you in a lurch. This can be observed in everyday situations and places. A simple example of how effective this is would be when you’re in a food chain.

Your food hasn’t arrived and the waiting time has already passed. So, you follow up on your order and the staff says it will come in a few minutes and apologized for the inconvenience. In return, the staff brings you a plate of onion rings and fries as an apology. Then they serve you your order.

Most likely, you’ll feel more than grateful and your boiling temper may have boiled down to cool. What did the staff gain from you? Respect. How and why? Due to his/her action, you now see them differently and admired their quick action to your concern.

They under-promised and over-delivered regardless of how big or small the act was, it was admirable. Chances are, you’ll go there more frequently and smile at them or even stir a conversation with them when you encounter him/her.

Highly respected people aren’t just those who are in the top pyramid but can be in whichever part of the pyramid. And these values and traits prominent people practice aren’t limited and exclusive to those on the corporate ladder. Anyone deserves and can earn respect.

They influence others and share their knowledge

These people aren’t selfish about their success and how they came to be where they are now. Knowledge is meant to be shared and transcended to generations after generations. Keeping it to yourself would just be senseless.

Many people strive to be great leaders but fail to become good teachers and influencers. Continue to learn new things and open it to everyone involved in the execution of your next great idea. 

Share that experience with people. Who knows who you may inspire? You may be looked upon by the next Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, they could be listening to your talks and seminars.

Not only do respected people pass their knowledge and influence onto other people, but they also help them reach their journey to success. They act as a guide throughout your bumpy trip. It’s always a great feeling to pass on what you learned through every success and especially failure.

They acknowledge everyone

This aspect is frequently forgotten by those who are already at the top as well as those who still are making their way up. Regardless, don’t forget your roots and keep your feet on the ground.

This can be likely seen through famous personalities who rarely acknowledge ordinary people’s existence and only pays attention to those they only know or find interesting. In the age of social media, responding to a tweet, answering all your Reddit’s AMA or even just acknowledging your existence is difficult for them.

Years ago you were just like them, looking up to the inspirations that you now can have lunch with. Don’t forget how you started and where you were before all the attention and success. Return the favor and give back their restless support by making an effort to recognize them. A simple like to their tweet will make them head over heels.

The same goes when in a small room. Don’t just shake hands with a few people and ignore other people’s presence, greet everyone in the group, smile and look them in the eyes and let your sight catch a glimpse of each and everyone around.

They don’t blame others instead, they look for solutions

Whether you’re already an established businessman or a successful individual in general, you will still commit mistakes. Don’t go blaming wrongdoing (whether it be your or not) on other people. More importantly, don’t spark up a new problem instead of coming up with a solution to fix the initial issue.

Be a leader to them; thoroughly analyze the problem and think of the best solution for it. Don’t be the living toxic in your environment, especially at work. You may negatively influence the productivity and actions of others.