Embracing the Spice of Life: Why Grow the World’s Hottest Pepper?
Can following our passions lead to a world-wide phenomenon? When Smokin’ Ed
Currie invented the Carolina Reaper, he was driven by curiosity and creativity,
inspired by one question: how hot can a pepper get?
With a paintbrush and a whole lot of patience, the man we’re about to meet is pushing the definition of one vegetable to new extremes! You know his most famous creation by the name of Carolina Reaper—a mind-bendingly hot pepper. His story begs the question: what else is seen as impossible right now that our unique creativity and passions could make happen?
By Sam Burns
With a paintbrush and a whole lot of patience, the man we’re about to meet is pushing the definition of one vegetable to new extremes! You know his most famous creation by the name of Carolina Reaper—a mind-bendingly hot pepper. His story begs the question: what else is seen as impossible right now that our unique creativity and passions could make happen?
By Sam Burns