Are You a Highly Sensitive Person?
Dr. Elaine Aron is a clinical depth psychologist and the author of the seminal
1997 book The Highly Sensitive Person: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms
You. With Sounds True, she has published The Highly Sensitive Person's Complete
Learning Program: Essential Insights and Tools for Navigating Your Work,
Relationships, and Life. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon
speaks with Dr. Aron about what it means to be a highly sensitive person and
recent research into the phenomenon. They consider whether the trait is genetic
or adaptive, as well as the various ways sensitive behaviors manifest in
day-to-day life. They also discuss how best to approach romantic relationships
with highly sensitive people and the possible social advantages of sensitivity.
Finally, Dr. Aron shares the connection between extreme sensitivity and
intuition, as well as attitudes necessary for embracing the entirety of your
unique, sensitive self.