Seven Generations of Love
"The ranch, it turns out, is no ordinary ranch. It is a 13,000-acre
property nestled next to Laramie Peak that Mark's grandfather bought in
1945. It is made up of hills and valleys, meadows and creeks, plains and
buttes, caves and waterfalls. Sage and cheat grass cover the ground,
and pine trees spring up near the hills. Giant granite boulders give way
to cliffs and streams. All kinds of wildlife live there: bison, elk,
whitetail deer, coyotes, pronghorn antelope, mountain lions, bears,
foxes, ravens, magpies, bald eagles and more. It used to be a cattle
ranch. But twenty years ago, they sold all the cattle, took down all the
interior fences... and bought a herd of buffalo. The thing about
buffalo is that they are so massive and powerful and un-tame-able that
on a bison ranch, you just let them roam free. You just let the land be
the land, and the animals be the animals." A visit to her boyfriend's
beloved family ranch catalyzed Kim Morrow's inquiry into our personal
responsibility as stewards of this planet we call home. She shares more
in this evocative piece.