12 Ways to De-Stress the Whole Family

Mother dragging son behind

Stress Trigger: Too Little Down Time

A hectic life can affect your family's health. Studies show that long-lasting stress can cause the body to make too much cortisol, a hormone that can ramp up appetite -- and lead to overeating. Stress can also make you want to turn to food for comfort.
For relief: Encourage your family to build relaxation into every day. Even 10 minutes counts. Flip through magazines, sit and talk, or take a relaxing walk -- anything to help you pause and switch gears.
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Young girl sleeping on school books
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Stress Trigger: Too Little Sleep

It can make anyone tired and cranky. It also slows your metabolism and boosts appetite. That means you're more likely to overeat, make unhealthy food choices, and stay inactive.
For relief: Get everyone to bed! Set a soothing routine -- like reading a book -- and a regular bedtime that helps everyone get the hours they need for their age:
  • Kids 6 and younger: 11 to 13
  • Grade schoolers: 10 or 11
  • Teens: 8 to 10
  • Adults: 8 or so

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Father and daughter with piggy bank
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Stress Trigger: Money Troubles

When you're stressed about finances, your kids can be, too. Maybe it's because they are missing extras like movies or new shoes -- but for younger kids, it just may be that they sense something's wrong.
For relief: Be open about day-to-day concerns, but stay upbeat: “An out-of-town vacation won't happen this year, but let's plan something fun around here.” Let them know things are going to be OK in the long run.
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Fighting parents and stressed child
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Stress Trigger: Fighting Parents

When parents fight, kids get tense. That's especially true with kids 10 and younger, whose sense of security is still based around home.
For relief: If your child gets upset from hearing an argument between you and your partner, acknowledge it. Remind her that everyone argues sometimes -- and what's important is that you'll work it out.
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Mother and son practicing yoga
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Stress Triggers: Stressed-Out Parents

Your kids will learn to respond to stress the same way you do. They mimic how you stay up too late, eat on the go, or just get irritable.
For relief: Show your kids how to handle stress by dealing with your own pressures in a healthy way. Acknowledge when life feels hectic, and make a point to relax and take care of yourself. You'll set a good example, and feel better, too.
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Preteen girls gossiping
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Stress Triggers: Friends

When kids reach third or fourth grade, they base much of their self-worth on friends. So hurt feelings or bullying can be very stressful for them.
For relief: Pay attention if your kids complain their friends are “mean” or if they start acting irritably. Keep communication lines open so you know what's going on in their lives. If you notice they're very sad or no longer socializing, talk with a health professional.
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Teen boy stressed at school
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Stress Trigger: School

In our competitive society, even young kids can worry about doing well in class or keeping up in sports and activities.
For relief: Help your child find activities he's good at or enjoys, and encourage him to try hard, keep practicing, and celebrate small successes. For schoolwork, help him keep organized. Try making weekly lists and checking items off so he sees how much he's accomplished.
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Three boys rough housing
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Stress Trigger: Boredom

Kids crave structure and stimulation, so having nothing to do after school can make them restless. Then they can end up making poor choices -- like eating junk food and spending too much time on video games or the computer.
For relief: An after-school program and regular physical activities for an hour or so each day can give just enough structure to offer kids healthy downtime in the afternoons.
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Family dinner from childs pov
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Stress Trigger: Irregular Eating

Skipping meals or replacing them with snacks makes it hard for kids to keep up their energy all day.
For relief: Stick to three meals and two snacks a day -- that works for most families. Plus, studies show that when kids eat with the family several times a week, they tend to be happier and eat healthier, too.
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Stressed young boy looking through window
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Stress Trigger: Changes in Routine at Home

Kids younger than 6 can't talk about stress yet. They just act out when things feel wrong. Any change in routine -- a new school, a move, a new job for Mom or Dad -- can turn their world upside down. That can stress parents or siblings, too.
For relief: Stick to a few daily rituals: meals at specific times, a standing story time, or an afternoon walk. Kids who know what to expect feel more at ease, and so will everyone else.
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Preteen boy reading with feet on window
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Stress Trigger: Too Much Screen Time

Video games, TV, or social media may seem like down time, but screens aren't as relaxing as reading a book or talking with someone. Plus, screen time often leads to idle snacking.
For relief: Limit your family's screen time to 2 hours a day. And don't allow eating in front of the TV. When you're distracted, you don't think about portion size, how full you feel, or family communication.
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Teen boy texting and listening to music
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Stress Trigger: Multitasking

Teens may seem happy and calm while texting their friends, listening to music, and doing homework all at once. But multitasking is more tiring and stressful than you'd think.
For relief: Talk to your teens about concentrating on one activity at a time and how to choose to do it. It's a great chance to help them cut back on screen time, too.
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