Inspirational Quote – July 3, 2017
“You are not a drop in the ocean, you are an entire ocean in a drop.”
I know there are times when I feel insignificant, perhaps due to unforeseen events or the actions or words of other people. I guess we all do at some time or another. That we don’t matter or figure in the grand scheme of things and that everybody else on the plant does. Sound familiar? I thought so. However, try looking at yourself another way. YOU are a vessel filled with dreams, hope, energy, feelings, etc. all crammed into one special human being. There is NOBODY else like YOU on the entire planet! You are a unique being. A “one off” among men (and women!). How great is that? How reassuring! Try remembering this the next time you’re beginning to feel insignificant. YOU? Insignificant? Really? Never!!