Inspirational Quote – May 8, 2017

“Dance like no one is watching. Love like you’ll never be hurt. Sing like no one is listening.
Live like it’s Heaven on Earth.”

I love this and try to adopt this in my life. It’s also inspiring to see that this philosophy is appearing more frequently in the media, especially as it appears to be aimed at those of us who are not ‘er ahem, in the first flush of youth! I do think that more of us of the older generation are taking this advice on board and dancing like no one is watching (or even if they are), love like we’ll never be hurt (even though we may be), and sing like no one is listening (which, trust me, wouldn’t be pleasant if they did listen to me!. In fact, enjoy your life. Do what YOU want to do, what you feel would make YOU happy, and see what happens….go on, you know you want to!