What is Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET)?

NAET - Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique

Interpretation By

Dr. Raymond T. Alexander, D.C.

NAET is a combination of several different disciplines in health care. They consist of Acupuncture (points and the meridians (where the points are located)), Medical laboratory analysis, Chiropractic theory, and Kinesiology. Each of these disciplines utilize neurological (nerve) communication of the body for its main healing qualities. The nervous system is the most common denominator in each discipline and the most important of all the systems. The Nervous system consists of the Central, Peripheral, and Autonomic Systems. The Autonomic system communicates with the other nine systems constantly, which are: the Digestive, Circulatory (Cardiovascular), Respiratory, Musculoskeletal, Endocrine, Reproductive, Immune, Integumentary (Skin), and Urinary. Each system when functioning optimally, you will feel healthy. When there is an interference with the communication of the nervous system to any of the systems you will get the opposite feeling, unhealthy. When you become unhealthy, symptoms will develop. The symptoms can affect any one of the organ or glandular systems. When any of the systems in the body has to deal with either too little or too much function then  dis-ease becomes apparent. Symptoms can vary from a mild severity to a full blown out disease state. For lack of a better term I am going to say,  “all symptoms are an Allergic reaction.” Allergy symptoms are usually rated from mild sensitivities to severe anaphylaxis reactions. The definition of an Allergy is an exaggerated or pathological reaction to substances, situations, or physical states that are without comparable effect on the average individual. (Merriam-Webster.com).

So, why does one individual have a reaction to say Lactose (milk sugar) and another individual has none? There are literally tens of  thousands of substances, situations, and physical states that people react too. What do you react too? 

Mild symptoms or reactions that don’t go away will make you feel like there is something wrong and People will look for solutions while in this Dis-ease state. You’ll either medicate yourself with over the counter allergy medications or if the reactions are more severe you’ll go to a doctor, get tested and possibly treated with allergy shots. I recently was told by a patient that she was allergic to Ibuprofen and Benadryl she would break out in a rash when either substance was taken. What if you’re allergic to allergy shots  or allergy medications. Then you will need an alternative solution.

How does a body get into this dis-ease condition? As the Immune system has a reaction to a substance, situation, or physical element a reaction will occur. A brief understanding of the immune system is warranted. The immune system is the profound protector of our health. It protects us from foreign invaders like bacteria and viruses. It reacts to infections of all kinds. It reacts to injures, with inflammatory substances. It reacts to antigens like foods or dust or bees or the Sun (antigens are substances, situations, physical elements that cause your allergic reaction). The immune system responds  with antibodies It all has to do with the reactions. These reactions are chemical reactions. I will discuss how chemical reactions are one of the basses of this booklet later in the process of finding out how you can get help.

Let’s look at the process that has been helping people change the way an allergy reaction causes symptoms and cause a person to become sick and ill, and how this process can help you. This process is  known around the world as NAET and for over the last twenty-five years, has been helping either reduce or eliminate allergic reactions, and restoring Health.

Principles of NAET

The principle behind NAET is based on a universal principle, chemistry. What do we know about basic chemistry? Chemistry is all around us every day and everywhere. Unless you are in an academic institute and studying chemistry we never give a single thought to how it affects our life on a daily basis. I know you don’t think about how the foods that you eat are broken down into its smallest elements to either feed the cells of your body or use these elements as fuel for energy. We eat every day mostly because we’re hungry or eat more than we should out of habit. What we eat isn’t always the best nutrition for a healthy outcome either. But the bottom line is you are eating and once the food is in your digestive tract the chemical reactions begin, and you can’t stop them. So, if the food you eat is broken down by chemical reactions what is happening. Let’s take an orange for example: It is sweet, juicy, has pulp and tastes great. Here is a list of the nutritional facts of an average Orange:
  • Vitamin C 95.8 mg
  • Vitamin A 405 IU
  • Folate 54 mcg
  • Choline 15.1 mg
  • Calcium 72 mg
  • Magnesium 18 mg
  • Phosphate 25.2 mg
  • Protein 1.7 g
  • Sugars 16.8 g
  • Trace minerals
We can be allergic to anyone of these ingredients.

But, who thinks about each of those ingredients while you’re biting into that juicy orange, nobody I know does. It just tastes good. So, how does this relate to NAET? The scientific workings of NAET has to do with the chemistry of everything that we come in contact with and how our Immune system reacts too it. Why the Immune system? Because…..

Our Immune system is everywhere in our body; white blood cells are carried by the blood to all parts of the body. There are many cells associated with the immune system and is not necessary to go into depth as to the function of these many cells, but just know that the process is complicated. The thymus gland, in the chest, and the bone marrow, also play a role in the immune system. Know that the autonomic nervous system and the immune system play the largest roll in monitoring and the deliverance of the allergic reaction. NAET treatments utilize both of these systems to improve your health.

Let’s try to make sense out of and understand how NAET an alternative health treatment method can change, reduce, or eliminate the allergic reactions causing your body to produce your dis-ease, sickness, or illness.

NAET treatments help to balance the immune system’s chemical reactions. There are millions of chemical reactions taking place every nanosecond in your body, but what if the reactions act like trying to combine oil and water together. You can’t put oil and water together because of the difference in the chemical makeup  of both substances. What if you eat a particular food and the immune system reacts to that food as a foreign substance? Then an allergic reaction takes place. I will explain what I have concluded as to why the allergic reaction takes place further into this booklet. What should puzzle you is that a perfectly good food source with vitamins and minerals can cause one person an allergic reaction and not another. Why is one person allergic to nutritiously good food, pollen, grass, trees, poison ivy, perfume, bees, ants, etc… and not another. Where is the mystery? It lies with the chemistry, nervous, and immune systems. Most of the treatments available are daily over the counter medications that effect the chemistry of the immune system by stopping the reaction but not affecting the cause. NAET, however, an alternative treatment process can and has eliminated the cause of many allergy symptoms in tens of thousands of people around the world.   

The first question people usually ask is, how does it work? It works on the basic principles of chemistry, and the principles of Homeopathy. If you have not ever heard of Homeopathy then this explanation may help. It’s an alternative medicine developed by Samuel Hahneman (1755–1843), based on the hypothesis that a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people will cure that disease in sick people. This hypothesis is known as "the law ofsimilars" or "like cures like". Have you ever heard that if you get bit by a venomous snake, you need to catch the snake and use its venom too  make an antidote, so the poison doesn’t kill you it actually cures you. That is what is known as “Like treating Like.” And that is the basis of Homeopathy. “Like treating Like.” So, how does that relate to NAET? It’s the same principle of “ Like treating Like.”

How does someone with an allergy get treated with some substance that they are allergic too, and then they are not allergic to it? In order to understand NAET and the process of the treatment I need to start with basic information that we have all learned about at one time.

Surely, you remember the  periodic table of elements from high school science class.

Each of these elements have electrons, which has either a positive or a negative electrical charge. Now if you don’t remember how these elements come together and create a molecule here is how it works. Basic chemistry. They come together due to the fact that the electrons have  positive and negative charges and they act like magnets; they are attracted to each other. Once the electrons pull together, and attach to each other, this makes them a molecule. Any two elements together will make a molecule, such as H2O or NaCl (Sodium Chloride is table salt).

An example of the Vitamin C molecule looks like this:
As you can see there are Hydrogen and Oxygen elements. The particular number of these H & O make it a Vitamin C molecule.

The important thing to understand is that everything is made up of molecules including our body. Molecules are created due to the electron attraction. Another interesting fact: all molecules have electrical frequencies due to the vibrations of the electrons moving around the protons. This is a scientific fact and is measured in Hertz, and not the rental car company. (a little joke).

Vitamins and Minerals have 10,000 – 40,000hz. All molecules can be measured in electrical frequency, hz. Computer Science has developed a way that we can measure every substance’s frequency. Since every substance has a frequency any substance  in the world can be duplicated. Whether it is a liquid you drink; a solid you eat; the fumes you smell at the gas pump. (which is a gas and a liquid).  If you get stung by a bee and you are injected with its toxin, the toxin has a frequency; what about poison ivy, and you accidently rub up against it. If we break all of these substances down they all have molecules and electrical frequencies. I have come to the conclusion that when your body chemistry is reacting unfavorably to an item that you either: touch, eat, smell, are injected with, or are infected with, or physical agents such as heat or cold. You have become bio-un-compatible with the frequencies of those molecules and will cause a reaction that in turn will cause an interference throughout the nervous system and this will effect an immune reaction.  Since the nervous system communicates to all the nine systems, and the  interference in the function of any one of those nine systems, will cause an immune reaction. With this hypotheses’ now your allergic reaction has a cause to the symptoms you are experiencing. Your body is reacting to a substance, situation, or physical element and their frequency. This hypotheses is based on scientific fact, chemistry. Therefore, NAET is a scientifically based procedure and a cure for many allergies, which is a non-invasive treatment. 

Finding Your Allergies

How do we evaluate what you’re allergic to. First a history form is completed by you. I’ll review it with you in a consultation to confirm your data. Additional question will be asked to determine specifics. Then the physical evaluation begins. The evaluation begins by checking the over-all communication of the nervous system to the body. (This also is a non-invasive procedure using Kinesiology.) Although,  there are three sections to the nervous system and each have their own distinction; they are connected and work together as one. One distinction of the autonomic nervous system is that it consists of two systems in one. The Parasympathic and the Sympathic. These two systems work like a gas pedal and a brake to the functions of your body. It’s important to understand that these systems are the primary controlling communications to the organs and glands. As an example: we don’t tell ourselves to digest our food. The food is digested automatically by increasing the digestive enzymes once food is introduced to our mouth, the process begins. The parasympathic nerve impulses stimulate the cells to produce enzymes and the sympathic nerves stop the production of enzymes, hopefully in the correct quantities. I mention quantities because too much or too little will cause a dysfunction to occur. Hence, acid reflux, which can easily be corrected by a prescription of the proper enzymes. The autonomic nerve communication has a major role in your health and your allergies; there is a crossover of communication into the peripheral nerves which go to the muscles. This is important to understand that the nervous systems work and communicate together, they are not separate and the entire body works as a whole, we are not separate parts.

The muscles of the body function by receiving impulses through the peripheral system. The autonomic system receives and sends impulses to organs. This of course is a simplistic understanding of the two systems. Both systems effect each other due to the over flow of impulses. A Muscle sensitivity test (MST) or also known as a neurological sensitivity test (NST) can discover and detect that there is an immune reaction and an interference affecting the nervous system when an allergen is introduced. A NST weak muscle, not resistant to a force, is evident that an allergen is present. The reason the muscle becomes weak is that the allergen causes an interference in the frequency of the nerve  impulses.  The same way two positive or two negative electrons repel each other, an interference in the nerve frequency impulse has taken place. When two electrons of the same polarity approach each other they repel. This is a universal law of physics. You can’t change the fact the two north pole magnets repel. As two positive electrons repel,  an allergen will cause an immune system to have a negative health reaction which is tested by the weakness of nerve impulses, the NST. The decrease of nerve impulses through the peripheral nerves also indicates a decrease in the autonomic nerve impulses. A decrease of impulses, therefore, will decrease the ability  of the immune system to protect you. It all boils down to the molecule of the allergen and either the hyper or hypo response of the immune system. So, the evaluation consists of nerve sensitivity testing (NST), a non-invasive test that is consistent every time and I mean EVERY TIME. If a test is consistent every time, that test is an exact scientific test. If holding a substance causes a weakness in the NST then you are having a reaction to that substance, and that is using your physical nervous system to indicate what you are having reactions too. This is a non-invasive procedure, that even children can be tested.

Treatment Process

Everyone wants to know how, does it work, what is the treatment, will I have to do it again, does Insurance cover the treatments.

We talked a lot about the nervous system  and how it works as a process in conjunction with the immune system to recognize a substance that you are allergic too. Your immune system and your nervous system are so sensitive they immediately recognize any substance. Your sensory nerves can detect many substances just by touch. Can you tell if a bug is crawling on your skin? If you are touched by a cotton ball, would you know that it is soft? What if you were to touch the tip of a pin, would you know that it was sharp? Can you feel the difference between a hot spoon or a warm spoon? Can you detect the difference of a cold air-conditioned room as to a hot room, of course you can. The answer to these questions are a simple, yes. And the reason why is because your skin is an extension of your nervous system and particularly the sensory nerves. Your skin develops from the same cells your brain develops from as a fetus. Your nervous system is extremely and I mean extremely sensitive.  Your nervous system is ninety-nine percent sensory. What you’re not aware of is that your nervous system is capable of sensing vibratory frequencies at a very low level. There is a lot of scientific research available about Frequency Medicine and NAET is frequency driven. Remember every molecule has a frequency due to their vibratory motion. Have you ever had your cell phone in your pocket and felt it vibrating but didn’t hear it? I have, and your finger pads are so sensitive they can feel the vibration of the molecules through the glass vials. I am sure there is a scientific way to measure this vibration, but I have not done the research as of this writing. 

So, now you hold a small vial in your hand that has been electrically charge to a particular frequency and a NST is performed. If your muscle becomes weak to a minor force placed upon it, then you are having a pathological reaction to that frequency of that particular substance, this is the definition of an allergy.  A number of substances that were discussed in our consultation will be tested to confirm your reactions to substances that you have confided in. The  test will consist of between twenty and twenty-five substances. There is a basic fifteen which is the NAET protocol, and additional substances that we discussed in your consultation.

I have found that most treatments are permanent but due to a person’s immune system, treatments may need to be boosted occasionally.

The NAET treatment appears to introduce a   memory to the immune system of a particular substance’s vibratory frequency. This is known as immune memory. Our immune systems’ are that powerful. Think of how a vaccination works: you are injected with a virus (flu vaccine) or a bacteria (TB vaccine) so that your immune system can have memory of that virus and hopefully you don’t get the flu. Remember once it’s in your body you have to react to it because it is mixing with your chemistry. But, suppose it doesn’t mix well with your chemistry. Now it becomes an invasive substance in your body and since it is in your body a reaction takes place whether you like it or not. Hopefully, your immune system is not bombarded and compromised, because some people still get the flu even after being vaccinated. It is the same with any substance. It doesn’t have to be a vaccination. Once the substance is in your body you have to react to it one way or another. It can be a food, it can be poison Ivy, it can be a medication that you’ve taken. People have reactions to A LOT of substances, situations, or physical elements and NAET can change the reaction. NAET works the same way as a vaccination can work by allowing your immune system to have the memory of the substance and making it compatible with your immune systems’ cellular frequencies. And remember it is NON-INVASIVE.

Finally, does insurance cover NAET treatment? Unfortunately, it is not. Insurance companies consider NAET experimental.

What Patients say about NAET?

When I brought my son, Barrett, in for NAET treatment, he was having seizures that began after his 5 year old vaccines. He also broke out in a bad rash two months later. He was allergic to all of the basic treatments. He also had terrible spring allergies. Last year was the worst year for pollen and Barrett did not have any reactions. His rashes have completely disappeared. He was severely allergic to peanut butter and chocolate. He would vomit. He was also severely allergic to shrimp and fish. Now he can eat peanut butter and he enjoys chocolate, too. He doesn’t like shrimp now, but he can eat it without any reaction.

J.G., Barrett’s Mother

About a year after moving to Atlanta I became increasingly fatigued. After 6 months of moving I started taking anti-depressants for depression. I took them for a whole year, and then went off of them to see how I’d do on my own. That is when I began feeling fatigued to the point of always wanting to lie down every day, dragging myself and nothing seemed exciting.

I found out about NAET through some family members and went to see Dr. Alexander. He started treating me with the essentials. Many important vitamins were being blocked in my system. Almost right away, my fatigued almost disappeared. I could say that I am more normal. I do not have to lie down after breakfast or in the afternoon any more, and it has been now 7 months. That’s to god for such a finding as this .thanks to Dr. Alexander for his expertise.


For years I have suffered with sinus infections and have taken nearly every form of antibiotic made. I’ve even had sinus surgery which helped only for a short time before the infections returned. My husband and I attended a seminar by Dr. Alexander where he explained NAET. I’ve taken thyroid medication for many years and I was mainly interested in anything new regarding that. We opted to undergo the treatments that Dr. Alexander offered and while those treatments were going on, my sinuses started acting up again. He treated me the first time and within an hour, I was breathing easily. It lasted for 4 days and the next time I was in, he treated me again. Within a short time, I was breathing easily again-with NO antibiotics. After a couple more treatments, my sinuses seemed to be back to normal. While there were a few flare-ups over several months (and again treated successfully), I now have no more sinus infections and have not stuffiness to amount to anything at all. I believe that Dr. Alexander and his treatments are the reasons that I no longer have to deal with sinus infections. I would recommend him to anyone for such treatments.


There are Thousands of testimonials from not only my patients but from patients around the world as there are practitioners worldwide.

I hope this booklet will give you an understanding of how NAET can benefit you, a loved one, friend, or someone you would like to help.

Dr. Raymond T. Alexander, D.C.

Advanced Certified NAET Specialist

Start your journey today to have A Life time full of HEALTH!!!

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