Daily Inspirational Quote – October 2, 2015

“Don’t get upset with people or situations; both are powerless without your reaction.”

Very true don’t you think? However, not easy for most of us not to react when people or a situation are causing us upset. I can see the logic here though. If we do allow whatever is happening to provoke a response then we are giving them/it what it was hoping for when they/it said or did to us, ergo they/it win! Sounds convoluted I know but take time to think about it and you’ll see what I mean. So, next time you feel yourself getting upset, take a deep breath, count to 10, 20 or, if it’s a real humdinger, to 100, and hopefully the response you give, or don’t give, will be one in the eye for your own personal upset, so there!

by CathiBew.co.uk