About Joan of Arc by Janet Roseman

An Excerpt from If Joan of Arc Had Cancer

Joan of Arc’s achievements are extraordinary for her time, or any time in history, and it is quite tempting to think of her as myth, legend, or folklore. However, Jeanne la Pucelle, or “Joan the Maid,” as she liked to be called, was flesh and blood. The daughter of a farmer, this teenager led more than twelve thousand French militia to victory over the English, without any military training or experience riding horses or carrying a sword. Although she restored the rightful place of Charles VII, the dauphin, as king of France, he betrayed her. When she was captured in 1430 and literally sold to the English, who would later sentence her to death, the king did nothing to intervene on her behalf.

This young woman who heard “voices” from God was both a mystic and a visionary. When she was sixteen years old, her father had a prophetic dream that she would ride off to battle. Echoing the limited traditional roles for young women of that era (marriage, celibacy, or prostitution), he believed ...
