Is My Child Psychic? 10 Ways That Abilities Emerge, by Sara Wiseman

(Article originally published in The Llewellyn Journal.)

There’s been a lot of talk about psychic and paranormal kids in current movies, television, and books. The truth is, most kids today have intuitive and spiritual gifts! It’s a whole new kind of intelligence that lets children understand and process things differently—at school, with peers and at home.

For parents, it can seem confusing. But once you understand what to look for, intuitive and spiritual gifts aren’t hard to spot. While these abilities may “cluster” differently in individual children, here are some traits to watch for:

Is your child highly sensitive or gifted?
Is he imaginative, creative, or a “right brain” thinker?
Does your child get the “vibe” of people and situations, even total strangers?
Is she affected by crowds or noisy places?
Does she sometimes say she’s been to a place before, even though you know she hasn’t?
Does he have an imaginary playmate, or say he hears voices?
Does she have a deep knowledge of her ancestors, and you’re not sure how?
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