Using Your Name As A Mantra

An Excerpt from Life Purpose Boot Camp by Eric Maisel

Potentially the most useful and powerful mantra is your own name. What word or sound does a better job of carrying your life purposes, your identity, and your intentions? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have your name do this work? However, if “Dan” or “Andrea” conjures only your anxieties, your shortcomings, or your regrets, then “Dan” or “Andrea” will hardly work as your life purpose mantra. On the other hand, if you are actively working on upgrading your personality by becoming the person who makes herself proud by her efforts, then your name might receive an equal upgrade.

People have remarkably variable and typically very strong reactions, both negative and positive, to using their name as their life purpose mantra. Aneesah, a painter from the Netherlands, reported on how she turned her name into an acronym:

I have had some bad experiences with my name. It is Persian and means “the affectionate one.” I used to be proud of this until people took advantage of my innocence and generous nature and my family expected me to put ...