Daily Inspirational Quote May 28 2014

“You didn’t get up one morning and run outside and begin inhaling like crazy, trying to suck up all the air you could get for fear that it would soon be gone. You don’t fear that just because you had air last month
the supply will run out and you may not have any next month. Air exists all around you.
It flows through your body regardless of whether you feel worthy,
have low self-esteem or had a rotten childhood.
I want you to know that Divine prosperity is like that too.
You have an abundance of what you need all around you.”
- Lynn Robinson

True prosperity consciousness is as effortless as knowing that there will always be air to breathe and that the sun will rise tomorrow morning. When we have true prosperity consciousness, we don’t even think about money, except to bask in feeling lucky because of all our abundance. Everything is energy, so ultimately, anything we want or need can flow to us just like the things we take for granted. When we can assume that we’ll always have whatever we need, life becomes easy.