10 Scientific Insights That Could Change Your Year!

The tide of psychology, which has traditionally probed into the dysfunctions of the human mind, has been shifting to a rigorous examination of its virtuous aspects. The "positive psychology" movement is unraveling universal human behaviors and experiences such as altruism, empathy, meaning, and happiness. For instance, in the past several years, researchers have found that a meaningful life is healthier than a happy life. Mindfulness meditation has been observed to benefit us by bolstering our immune system, increasing resilience, and increasing productivity. Thinking of others and cultivating empathy can even help individuals with severe forms of mental illness lead a better life. Yet these findings are only the tip of the iceberg, riddled with nuances and contextual factors that researchers continue to explore in depth. This article summarizes some of the key 10 scientific insights in the positive psychology movement that will make you think, wonder, and perhaps even weave some of the insights into your daily life.
