Where in the World is Joe?

Okay, it’s been a while since I posted anything.  I’ve been writing more music than anything else.  Someday, maybe next year, I’ll have enough good music to release a new album.  Check back and I’ll keep you up to date, but please don’t hold your breath!  It may be 6 months or more.

No quips today, just some sage advice. 

If you screw up, just ask for forgiveness, don’t screw up the same way again and move on.  Sorry doesn’t cut it sometimes.  Don’t forget everyone is human and don’t ever apologize for being one.  Never apologize for how you feel, just don’t cram your unwanted feeling into someone else’s face.  Enough said, take it or leave it!

When all else fails, get a dog.  A well treated dog will reflect your needs and go a long way toward solving your life’s issues.  Just remember, a dog is a child that never grows up.